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    Dr. Paddo - Wednesday 4 June 2023

    Best books on medicinal mushrooms

    Medicinal mushrooms are the centre of attention. Research is currently underway in many countries into the possible applications of these fungi for a variety of conditions, from cancer to diabetes. Many people are curious about the world of medicinal mushrooms or would like to use them themselves. That is why it is useful that good, clear books have been written about it. Below is an overview of the five best books about medicinal mushrooms, written by mycologists and therapists.


    A nice read: books about medicinal mushrooms

    We have been using the power of medicinal mushrooms for our health since time immemorial. For pain, inflammation, more energy or a better memory, these mushrooms contain many medicinal components. In modern times we have relied more on regular medication and naturopathy has faded into the background. Fortunately, the enormous power of mushrooms is now being rediscovered.


    If you want to know more about medicinal mushrooms, you can read the following books. Many dozens of mushrooms are discussed here, from well-known ones such as Chaga, Lion's Mane or Reishi, to lesser known, all of which can contribute to robust health.


    Medicinal mushrooms from T.H.L. Michaels

    Dr. Michiels is a naturopath with a lot of knowledge about medicinal mushrooms and their applications. This book describes the most famous mushrooms and also what they can do for your health. Michiels discusses how they were used in the past, but also presents the results of modern studies. In addition to medicinal mushrooms, the medicinal effect of magic mushrooms is also mentioned. Michiels has a special way of writing, because his own personal opinion comes up frequently in this book. For some readers this is a valuable contribution, but you can also experience it as disturbing.


    Medicinal mushrooms; A new perspective on healing by P. van Ineveld

    Van Ineveld has a lot of in-house knowledge about medicinal mushrooms. He works as a naturopath and describes 21 different mushrooms in his book. He describes the properties, which substances are present and the influence they have on the body. He explains that mushrooms are rich in valuable amino acids, antioxidants and polysaccharides. Van Ineveld also describes some fascinating practical situations where medicinal mushrooms were prescribed and what effect this had. After reading the book, you will know more about these mushrooms and what they can be used for. The book has beautiful color photos and is 168 pages thick.

    Shrooms, the forgotten realm of medicinal mushrooms

    This is a wonderful book that is full of facts about medicinal mushrooms. With beautiful photos, this is a unique reference work that should have a place in every bookcase. You will find information here about how medicinal mushrooms can boost your resistance and whether they can help you lose weight. You will learn more about the use and effects of these fungi. You will also find recipes to make your own dishes with medicinal mushrooms. Think of a warming elixir of Reishi and almond milk, Chaga snack balls or Shiitake miso soup. Shrooms is a book you'll always want to keep close at hand. It gives you the tools to support your health with medicinal mushrooms in all circumstances.


    Medicinal Mushrooms: An Exploration of Tradition, Healing, & Culture by C. Hobbs

    Unfortunately, there are still not many Dutch books about medicinal mushrooms. But luckily we can switch to English. Christopher Hobbs is a well-known author, botanist and mycologist who has 35 years of experience in naturopathy. In his book, he explores the rich traditions of healing with mushrooms, both in the East and in the West. The writer gives you extensive information about the nutritional value and health benefits of more than 100 edible mushrooms. Medicinal Mushrooms is the most complete handbook on medicinal mushrooms currently available.


    The Fungal Pharmacy by R. Rogers

    Another very comprehensive handbook is the Fungal Pharmacy by Rogers. It contains more than 300 species of medicinal mushrooms and lichens, which occur in North America. Rogers discusses their healing power not only on humans, but also on the planet by restoring the balance of the soil. Medicinal mushrooms can be used to treat acute and chronic diseases of the heart, lungs or liver, but also for blood sugar disorders, obesity and cancer. Rogers explains that these mushrooms can optimize the immune system.


    The properties of each mushroom and type of lichen are discussed, along with their chemical composition and possible method of preparation. This also includes extracts, essential oils and essences. It also explains how the mushrooms were used in the past and what you can use them for now. The book contains 200 color photos, and the extensive descriptions make it easy to quickly find what you are looking for.


    Are you curious about what you can do with medicinal mushrooms? There is a lot to be found on the internet, but the information in the above books is reliable and supported by scientific research. Furthermore, with such a manual you have all the information at hand: from descriptions, photos, possible applications to recipes. The information is also very extensive. So if you want to use medicinal mushrooms yourself, purchase one of these books, so that you know better which mushrooms suit your purpose.

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